HTCs upcoming M8 will back off from 2k displays instead to offer a 1080p one 2 sensor camera module might be on board

HTC has published the UA Prof file for the HTC M8 (aka the successor to the HTC One) confirming its existence and the fact that the device will feature a 1080 x 1920-pixel display. User Agent Profile (UA Prof) files are specification files that describe the model, screen size and other features of the device before it gets officialized. Making such a file is not obligatory, but usually when published, this is done by the phone maker itself (in this case from HTC), and is a near-official confirmation of a device.

While the resolution of the HTC M8 is not expected to change from that of last years HTC One, the size of the display is actually expected to go up slightly. The HTC M8 is rumored to have a screen of at least 5 inches in diagonal, but not larger than 5.9 inches. What does this mean? First and foremost, pixel peepers might be disappointed to learn that the newest HTC flagship wont match the oft rumored 2014 trend of QHD (1440 x 2560-pixel) displays.

To most people and even sharp-eyed consumers, though, we expect the difference between QHD and 1080p displays to be barely visible, so we would not necessarily count this as a flaw. Moreover, a device with a 1080p display would actually perform better as it has to process much less pixels than a QHD phone, and this might be a compromise some are willing to make.

Even without a QHD display, there is something else about the HTC M8 that makes it extremely interesting, and that’s the rumored twin-sensor rear camera. The twin sensors are said to improve the focusing ability, the depth of field and image quality of the M8’s camera, and we’re looking forward to seeing the possibilities that come with it.

The handset is also said to retain a similar design and visual aesthetics as the original HTC One, but get beefier under the hood with a newer version of the Qualcomm Snapdragon system chip (we’d bet on either a newer version of Snapdragon 800, or the Snapdragon 805). Luckily, it’s also said to get released in just a couple of months, by the end of March when all these rumors will be put to rest - brace yourselves, the wait won’t be too long.PhoneArena

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