Whatsapp Makes Fun At BlackBerry

Whatsapp released and update to their Whatsapp Messenger for Android platform yesterday, stressing on the good things you get to gain from using Whatsapp Messenger. One of the good things according to Whatsapp is that you dont need to remember PIN or contact name. This is some sort of taking a spin on BlackBerry Messenger aka (BBM).

You would recall that BlackBerry was supposed to release BBM for Android and iPhone last week (21st of September) but failed. I for one, am getting really impatient and the same goes for a lot of folks. Some have already lost interest in the BBM app for Android and iPhone.

Sequel to this failed BBM release for Android and iPhone, Whatsapp have beefed up their app, making it more fluid and user friendly with successive updates across all platforms.

Of course, Whatsapp is aware of the huge craving consumers have for BlackBerry Messenger and Whatsapp is doing everything in their power to make sure that its customers stay with them while gaining new customers.

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